06-00023 Anatomical information is generalized to the species without regard to animal strain or stock. This work does not illustrate all body systems and structures, instead providing the reader with essential information for research and clinical purposes and describes some structures not usually shown in any other anatomy atlas. In each set of illustrations, the same view is depicted in the mouse and the rat. The text draws attention to the anatomical features which are important for supporting the care and use of these animals in research. Illustrations are provided for the following:
- Body Regions
- Juvenile Features and Sex Differentiation
- External Features
- Mammary Glands
- Structures of the Head and Neck
- Heart, Vasculature Tree, and Respiratory Tract
- Abdominal Structures
- Male Urogenital Apparatus
- Female Urogenital Apparatus
- Pelvic Limb Vessels and Nerves
- Structures of the Tail
- Skeletal Structures