AALAS branches function independently from the national organization. Branches are authorized to use the name American Association for Laboratory Animal Science in the branch name and logo. Branches are not legal entities of AALAS, and AALAS bears no legal responsibility for nor accepts any liability for the actions of branches.
Branches do not share the association's tax-exempt status nor any other legal status of the association. Branches pay no annual fees or dues to AALAS, and AALAS does not provide any financial assistance to branches.
Branch names are published in the AALAS Leadership & Committee Resource Directory. An AALAS staff liaison is assigned at the national office to act as an information and support resource person.
The Branch Manual is in the AALAS Policies and Procedures document (Section 7) located on the Leadership Resources page (member log in required).
Branch presidents are required to be AALAS Individual Members and encouraged to
maintain membership at least at the Silver Level for the duration of their presidency.
February 1, each Branch must submit their officer roster as part of their compliance requirement. Click here to complete the form online.
By May 1, branches must provide a current Branch membership roster, including contact information for members, to the AALAS National Office along with a current copy of their Branch Constitution and Bylaws. Download Membership Roster template here
Forming a Branch
A group of individuals from a specific geographic area not currently represented by an AALAS branch can be recognized as a branch of AALAS if they meet the following conditions:
- Have a minimum of 10 branch members who are current AALAS national members in good standing
- Have a proposed branch constitution and bylaws
- Elect a proposed slate of officers to conduct the business of the branch
Successfully petition the AALAS Board of Trustees (BOT) for recognition as a branch of AALAS
If you meet the above criteria and would like to form a new AALAS branch, contact your district trustees and the AALAS office. An AALAS staff member will provide you with the information necessary to proceed in your petition.
Joining a Branch
If you are not currently a member of an AALAS branch, but would like to join, check the branch list to see which branch(es) you're interested in, then contact the branch president or e-mail us your name, mailing address, preferred e-mail address, phone number, and the branch(es) you're interested in. We'll see that someone from the appropriate branch gets in touch with you.