![General Info General Info](/media/8c0c2288-3f4a-4398-9284-8c17535119c4/kUX7lg/GLAS/SecA.GIF)
The application form you download will be specific to the type of grant you choose: Small Grant Application or Standard Grant Application. Be sure to use the correct form for your application. A template application file is available for your grant type once you start the grant application process.
Make the application title meaningful but concise. It should clearly summarize the study problem or focus and the approach.
The applicant is the Principal Investigator, pending institutional policies.
Approval documents (IACUC, IBC, or IRB or the local equivalent) are required only if the application is selected for funding. You may submit these with the application or afterward to prevent funding delays if your proposal is accepted for an award. Omission of these documents from your application will have no bearing on the grant review.
Investigators with financial ties to the proposal must explain these arrangements in Section F. 3. Disclosures.
The committee aims to fund as many studies as possible that are innovative, feasible, and thorough. It can be difficult, however, to stretch the available funds to award all meritorious applications, so opportunities for shared support are considered. Please indicate whether this application, or one similar, is/will be submitted to another funding agency. Please indicate also whether your institution would be willing to fund a portion of your project if not all of your budget can be funded by a GLAS award. For example, because salary support in a Standard grant may be requested of the institution.
Previous Applicants
The application asks whether this application is a resubmission from a prior year. Please discuss how issues raised in the review of your prior application have been addressed. These issues were identified as committee feedback in the letter notifying you that you did not receive an award. If you need another copy of that letter, please contact AALAS.
For resubmission, applications are evaluated in the context of the applications for the current year. While addressing the reviewers’ comments will strengthen the application, there is no guarantee of funding for resubmitted applications.
If you are a previous GLAS recipient, please indicate the years in which you won this award. The committee will access your final report/s and review the publication and presentation track record from your GLAS-sponsored work.