Boise State University: protocol forms for laboratory use and field studies and other forms
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario: Lab Animal Use Protocol, Wildlife Protocol, and Pedagogical Merit Review forms
Drexel University
Emory University Review and Approval (PDF)
Georgetown University
National Institutes of Health (Institutional Official Policy Memos), Template, Word doc
National Institutes of Health (NIH), OLAW: Animal Study Proposal
North Dakota State University (Word doc)
Syracuse University (DOC)
Tufts, Forms
UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), Word DOC
University of Arkansas: Biomedical and Sociobehavioral Research Animal Use Protocol, Word Doc
University of Connecticut (DOC)
University of Hawaii
University of Iowa
University of Montana
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
University of New Hampshire, Word DOC
University of North Texas Health Science Center (DOC)
The University of Texas at Dallas: protocol and other forms and resources
Wayne State University