What is the Technician Certification Registry?
The Registry is a voluntary program to document your ongoing professional development as an AALAS certified technician/technologist.
What are the benefits of participation in the Registry?
Participation in the Registry entitles technicians to use an R in front of their certification acronym. This R will serve as a visible distinction on name tags, resumes, and business cards. Your name will be included in the list of Registry participants that is published on the AALAS web site.
What is the difference between being registered and being certified?
Certification is the credential you earn by passing the ALAT, LAT, or LATG exam. The AALAS Technician Certification Registry demonstrates training and education beyond your certification. Once you pass a technician certification exam, that certification is yours for life. A technician may be certified but not registered; however, a registered technician is always certified.
There are two ways to become a part of the Registry. You automatically become a participant upon certification (passing an exam). If you are already certified (at any level), you may participate by submitting CEUs; nonmembers must also submit the $40 Registry fee along with their CEUs.
Is there a cost for the Registry and, if so, how much is it per year?
Upon certification, regardless of AALAS membership status, you are entered into the Registry for a 2-year period at no charge. To renew or join the Registry, members are only required to submit CEUs; there is no fee for members. Nonmembers must pay a $75 Registry fee or join AALAS at any level of membership in addition to submitting CEUs.
How long am I in the Registry once I become a participant?
The Registry period runs on a 2-year cycle starting the day you enter the Registry and ending on the first day of the following month 2 years out. This gives you 2 years to earn the required number of CEUs for your level.
What are CEUs and how many do I have to earn at each level of certification?
CEUs, or continuing education units, are earned for any seminars, workshops, meetings, training, etc. that you attend in your 2-year Registry period. For each level there is a required number of CEUs one must earn. For the ALAT level you must earn 10, for the LAT you must earn 14, and for the LATG you must earn 24.
What types of CEUs are accepted?
Formal education in lab animal science or personal development; publications, reports, and presentations; participation in professional societies; and online/distance learning. For a complete list of these categories and what they entail, please refer to the CEU Opportunities tab on the Certification page on the AALAS website.
How and when do I submit CEUs?
AALAS will send you a reminder when your registration is about to expire. A CEU submission form is available for downloaded from www.aalas.org or those who are current members may login to the AALAS website and submit their CEUs on the online submission page.
How do I maintain my Registry status?
You must submit the required number of CEUs per 2-year period. If you are not a national member of AALAS, you must also submit the non-refundable, 2-year administrative fee of $75.
Can I be registered at all three levels of certification?
You may only be registered at one level at a time. If you are in the Registry already and test at a higher level, you receive a free 2-year Registry period at your new certification level when you pass the exam. You will be registered in the highest certification level that you attain.
Will my membership and Registry renewals be due at the same time?
Not necessarily. AALAS memberships are paid annually and are renewed 12 months from the time you become a member. The Technician Certification Registry renewal is every 2 years, beginning with the expiration date on your Registry card. Notices will be sent out for both these renewals.
If my AALAS membership lapses, am I still in the Registry?
Yes, but at the time of your Registry renewal, you must pay the $75 nonmember Registry fee if you have not renewed your AALAS membership.
I sent in my Registry fee and CEUs late. Will I still be listed in the AALAS list of Registry participants?
Yes. After you renew your Registry status, your name will be included in the next update of Registry participants.
How will I know when my Registry period expires?
At the start of each Registry period, you will receive a new R card that displays your Registry expiration date. Your CEUs and fees must be received before this date for you to remain current.
I want to rejoin the Registry after it lapsed some time ago. How do I do that?
You must submit the required number of CEUs earned in the last 2-year period. If you are not a national member of AALAS, you must also submit the non-refundable, 2-year administrative fee of $75.