Speaker Forms
Platform Session Instructions
Poster Instructions
Poster Session Map
Facilitator Guidelines
Facilitator Sign-Up Form
Facilitator Report Form
Moderator Guidelines
Guidelines for Computer-Generated Presentations
PowerPoint Presentation Template
The speaker ready room will be set up with a computer which will be networked with a PC in the rooms for seminars, special topic lectures, panel discussions, on-site workshops, and technical trade presentations, and platform sessions. This will allow speakers to load PowerPoint® presentations in the speaker ready room and have them distributed electronically through a computer network to the desktop of the PC in the appropriate session room. AALAS will provide Windows CPUs with CD drives, PowerPoint application, data projector, and PC laptop access to the data projector; this equipment must be requested as soon as possible to ensure availability.
Each speaker can either submit their presentation via the National Meeting Presentation Submission site, managed by our Audio Visual Group, or bring their presentation to the Speaker Ready Room in the convention center, on a USB Flash Drive, multi-media card, SD card, or a laptop 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of their presentation. If you submit your presentation via the website, you will save time on site waiting for your presentation to be downloaded. When checking in, you simply go to a terminal, and AV personnel will pull up your presentation for preview. The deadline to upload your presentation to the submission site TBA.
Speaker Ready Room hours:
Sunday, November 3, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday, November 4, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 5, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 6, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 7, 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
When submitting topic submissions, please be specific when requesting funding. Include potential expenses for materials, as well as each individual’s registration and/or travel-related expenses. These expenses and honoraria must be detailed and requested on the program proposal submitted for consideration, and the amounts must be within the program speaker budget and approved by the NMPC. Topic Session Presenters at the AALAS National Meeting will be eligible for registration fees and honoraria if the topic is outside the normal scope of AALAS members’ expertise; is pertinent to the total national meeting program; and/or the speaker cannot participate without financial support. The NMPC may elect to grant a set amount to subsidize expenses. The leader and session presenter(s) are notified on the session confirmation if any requested budget was approved. Presenter receipt reimbursement requests should be submitted to the AALAS National Office after the close of the National Meeting in which you presented but no later than December 31 of that year.
Topic Session Presenters who had budgets approved could be eligible for reimbursement of expenses for round-trip travel (coach or mileage at current reimbursement rate), all or part of the meeting registration fee, and one day’s per diem. (If airfare expense may be substantially reduced by traveling on different day, thus resulting in a longer stay, the NMPC may approve additional days’ per diem.) Budgeted and submitted expenses are reimbursed following the National Meeting according to the Travel & Expense Reimbursement Policy (T&ERP) in the AALAS Policies and Procedures Manual. The NMPC may elect to grant a set amount to subsidize expenses.
Commercial exhibitors (AALAS member or non-member) who are coordinating a session normally are not provided reimbursement of National Meeting expenses.
Poster Session and Platform Session Presenters are eligible to register at the Program Participant rate, but are not provided reimbursement of National Meeting related travel expenses.