AALAS Learning Library (ALL) - In a virtual campus environment, online courses are offered on technician training, animal welfare and IACUC compliance, techniques in animal care and use, occupational health, management, and professional development. Free preview of selected courses.
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) - manuals, study aids, posters, brochures, buttons, public outreach materials, technician recognition items. Click the Store link and then use the menu on the left to view various products.
Canadian Council on Animal Care - training modules for a variety of research animals, including farm animals, fish, wildlife, and traditional laboratory animals
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) - online training based at the University of Miami for animal care and use, biomethodology, and human subjects research training
Education and Training in the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: A Guide for Developing Institutional Programs, ILAR, National Academy Press, 1991.
Essentials for Animal Research: A Primer for Research Personnel, B. Taylor Bennett, (2nd edition) AWIC, 1994
Fondazione Guido Bernardini (FGB) Continuing education and training on a wide range of topics for professionals involved in the care, welfare and use of laboratory animals.
InterNICHE Alternatives Loan System (based in Europe) - libraries of multimedia training resources and devices
Jackson Laboratory - JAX sponsors a wide variety of courses, conferences, workshops, webinars, and videos on the campus in Bar Harbor, cosponsor locations, and online.
Laboratory Animal Tours - Locations: MRC Harwell Institute, The Pirbright Institute, University of Bristol, and University of Oxford from Understanding Animal Research
LAWTE, Laboratory Animal Welfare and Training Exchange, enhances public understanding and provides for the exchange of ideas among trainers in laboratory animal science
Moral Reasoning in Scientific Research: Cases for Teaching and Assessment. Materials for teaching the responsible conduct of science in college and university science courses. Developed at the Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions at Indiana University-Bloomington.
North American 3Rs Collaborative: Refined Mouse Handling
OLAW Training Materials
Procedures with Care - provides information to assist research workers develop their skills in the administration of substances to laboratory animals and to apply best practice in aseptic surgical techniques in laboratory rodents. Developed by Newcastle University with the support of the Institute of Animal Technology and the NC3Rs (National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research).
Research Animal Training - E-learning modules, interactive articles, and videos with progress tracking; developed by Paul Flecknell and Jon Gledhill
TestDiet Laboratory Animal Care Course - PMI – LabDiet, correspondence course for anyone working with small animals, 6 lessons, order printed binder or take online
Zebrafish in the Classroom: IACUC/Animal Protocol