06-00022: This unique product is a flash card-style study aid designed to help you review and reinforce the concepts found within the regulatory mandates and guidelines included in the reference lists for the AALAS Technician Certification and CMAR exams.
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06-00022 There are true/false and short-answer questions to help review material that may not be covered in the AALAS Training Manuals but may be essential for the exam. The certification logos at the top of the page indicate the certification for which each mandate or guideline is a...
06-00022 There are true/false and short-answer questions to help review material that may not be covered in the AALAS Training Manuals but may be essential for the exam. The certification logos at the top of the page indicate the certification for which each mandate or guideline is a reference. Regulatory Flash can be used in a group setting with employees, co-workers, and supervisors; or you can review on your own. Use the game ideas included on the inside cover for a fun "lunch and learn" or group training activity.
Regulatory Flash questions are on the front and back of the cards, with a total of 570 questions covering the following mandates and guidelines: