WEB-068: Popular trends in animal training have turned to "positive training" or (positive reinforcement) techniques. Look at the Web for an obedience trainer, a horse trainer, or any animal trainer, and you will find a huge number touting "only positive training techniques." But what does this mean and, more specifically, what does it mean for laboratory animals, their caretakers, and handlers? Do we, can we, use only positive reinforcement (reward based) techniques to accomplish our goals? In this webinar, we will explore a balanced view of the "four quadrants" of training, including the pros, cons, and applications of each. We will look at analogies to human behavior and the behavioral outcomes of each type of reinforcer. We will also discuss target and clicker training and their practical applications for laboratory animal technicians.
This webinar recording will benefit all levels of your organization: Operations, managers, technicians, administration, veterinary staff, senior leaders, and aspiring leaders.
To view the recording: Once you purchase the product, a link is added to your "My Profile" page on the AALAS website. You will see a menu on the left side of the page. Select "Digital Content Access." There are three files available to download: the instructions to view the recording, the handout, and a CEU certificate to keep as a record of viewing the recording to AALAS CEUs. The instructions will also provide information on how to earn RACE CEs for viewing the recording.
Sharing the recording: Access is granted for a minimum of 90 days but may be extended as long as a year from the date of the live event. You may distribute the recording link via email to your staff. Posting this link or any of the webinar's content on a web page or distribution of these materials by other means to the public is not permitted.
AALAS CEUs: You can apply for up to 1.5 CEUs for the Technician Certification Registry or CMAR recertification. Please use the forms on the AALAS website or online CEU submission.
RACE CEs: Viewers of the live event or the recording can receive RACE continuing education credits by taking a 5-question post-test on the AALAS Learning Library. A free enrollment is all that is required to access the test and to generate the RACE certificate; no subscription is required. This program is approved by the AAVSB RACE to offer a total of 1.00 CE Credit (1.0 max) being available to any one veterinarian: and/or 1.00 Veterinary Technician CE Credits (1.00 max). This RACE approval is for the subject matter category of Non-Medical Program. This approval is valid in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB RACE; however, participants are responsible for ascertaining each board's CE requirements. RACE does not "accredit" or "endorse" or "certify" any program or person, nor does RACE approval validate the content of the program.