Whether you plan on exhibiting in Louisville, submitting a topic or abstract for the program, or nominating a well-deserving colleague for an AALAS award, you can begin preparing now! Read below for the information you need to start planning for our 73rd National Meeting.
Submit a Topic or Abstract for 2022
The Program Committee and AALAS President Marc Hulin invite you to submit proposals for abstracts, technical trade presentations, panel discussions, seminars, special topic lectures, and workshops for the 2022 National Meeting.
Want to submit a topic or abstract? Click here to access the portal. Those who have submitted topics or abstracts before will have a password and username. New users must create an account. The deadline for topic submissions (seminars, panels, workshops, technical trades, special topic lectures) is March 15, and the deadline for abstracts (posters and platforms) is June 1.
The meeting will feature a Spotlight Forum on oncology in laboratory animal science. We invite you to submit proposals for abstracts, panel discussions, seminars, and special topic lectures on oncology/cancer in laboratory animal science. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 and is the number 2 killer of people in the United States at a rate of 600,000 annually. Metastases are the primary cause of death from cancer. The standard therapies for cancer treatment still include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Most of the biomedical research and the public only know about these three standard therapies of treatment for cancer. Current research has uncovered the power of implementing appropriate oncology animal models in developing new therapies to attack cancer in a novel and an innovative fashion to provide better outcomes for patients. We are seeking topics and abstracts related to managing animal care and use programs supporting oncology animal models, husbandry procedures, and practices to maintain sensitive animal models for cancer, scientific investigations into the value of animal models to develop cancer therapies, and health and welfare considerations for humane endpoints. Please consider a submission.
Exhibit in Louisville
Exhibitor registration is open. Please keep in mind that the exhibitor priority point deadline is February 5, 2022. Click here for complete details, and for more information, contact Heather Lampi.
The A2Z online exhibitor registration system eliminates the need to fax or email applications. When you click here, you will select the Booth Space Application box and then log in or create an account to begin the application process.
Interested in partnering with AALAS and supporting our mission? Consider becoming a National Meeting sponsor. Review our 2022 Media Kit and consider the opportunities available to promote your products to our AALAS decision-makers. For more information, contact John Farrar.
AALAS Awards
Six professional and technical categories are recognized at the AALAS National Meeting for excellence in the laboratory animal science field. For info on these awards and the nomination process, click here. Nominations are due by April 1, 2022. Over $13,000 in prize money will be awarded!
2021 National Meeting Content: On Demand
The 72nd AALAS National Meeting may be over, but your learning opportunities don't need to be! Recorded sessions from the event are now available for purchase through the AALAS National Meeting On-Demand Portal! AALAS members will continue to receive discounts when purchasing sessions. Discount prices will be applied at checkout.
Get started by visiting the special offers page and logging in with your AALAS member credentials to complete your purchases. Check out new and unique items, such as the Full Conference Online Set and Pick Packages!
The AALAS On-Demand Portal has been updated with fresh content from the 72nd AALAS National Meeting. Stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends, watch sessions from any Apple or PC device, and enjoy an enhanced online learning experience!