The January issue of JAALAS is now available to AALAS Silver and Gold members on the website. Please log in ( and visit our Publications tab to view the online content.
While COVID-19 may have impacted the delivery of physical copies of the AALAS journals and magazine, members may always access digital editions through the AALAS website. Members must be logged in to the website to access materials. Journal articles will become public 6 months after publication. AALAS membership is required to view all publications.
Reference Values for Hematology, Plasma Biochemistry, Bone Marrow Cytology and Bone Histology of NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ Immunodeficient Mice
Catherine J Layssol-Lamour, Jean-Emmanuel Sarry, Jean-Pierre D Braun, Catherine Trumel, and Nathalie H Bourgès-Abella
Identification of Sick or Dead Mice (Mus musculus) Housed with 6 Grams of Crinkle Paper Nesting Material
Lisa A Burlingame, Brianna N Gaskill, and Jennifer LS Lofgren
Effects of Compressed Paper Bedding on Mouse Breeding Performance and Recognition of Animal Health Concerns
Portia S Allen, Josephine Lawrence, Ulana Stasula, Brooke D Pallas, and Zachary T Freeman
Comparison of Four Beddings for Ammonia Control in Individually Ventilated Mouse Cages
Nicholas M Tataryn, Cindy A Buckmaster,† Rebecca S Schwiebert, and Alton G Swennes
Effects of Acrylic Tunnel Enrichment on Anxiety-Like Behavior, Neurogenesis, and Physiology of C57BL/6J Mice
Tai L Oatess, Fiona E Harrison, Lauren E Himmel, and Carissa P Jones
Mental Wellbeing in Laboratory Animal Professionals: A Cross-Sectional Study of Compassion Fatigue, Contributing Factors, and Coping Mechanisms
Michaela S Randall, Carly M Moody, and Patricia V Turner
Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of a Long-lasting, Highly Concentrated Buprenorphine Solution in Mice
Lon V Kendall, Benjamin Singh, Alexandrea L Bailey, Brian J Smith, Elizabeth R Houston, Karuna Patil, and Cynthia J Doane
Wellbeing of Mice Euthanized with Carbon Dioxide in Their Home Cage as Compared with an Induction Chamber
Debra L Hickman
Assessment of an Electronic Mechanical Sensory Threshold Testing Device (RatMet) in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Chelsea J Schuster and Daniel SJ Pang
Evaluation of the Sterility of Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil for Use During Rodent Surgery
Katherine E Nolan, Willie A Bidot, Marcel I Perret-Gentil, and Raphael A Malbrue
Effects of General Anesthesia on Intraocular Pressure in Rabbits
J Jeremy Chae, Mark R Prausnitz, and C Ross Ethier
Clinical Indicators of Moribundity in Swine Experimentally Inoculated with African Swine Fever Virus
Benjamin J Hershey, Jenna L Hagart, and Karyn A Havas
Use of Introduction Enclosures to Integrate Multimale Cohorts into Groups of Female Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Kelly L Bailey, Leigh A Young, Caroline E Long, Caren M Remillard, Shannon E Moss, Tracy L Meeker, and Mollie A Bloomsmith