Registered National Meeting Attendees, it’s time to login to the AALAS Virtual National Meeting event site! Please go to and login now. Your meeting login has been configured to match the login you use for the AALAS website and ACE. If you need to reset your password, please click the reset password link. Once you are logged into the site, upload your picture and complete your profile.
The Opening General Session was held on Sunday, October 25 at 5:00 (ET). A recording of the Opening General Session featuring our keynote speaker, Brant Menswar, has been uploaded to the meeting site.
Check out the meeting sessions right now in our program so you can make a note of all the great presentations to attend.
If you have any questions or need assistance logging into the event site, please contact us at or by calling 901-754-8620 Monday through Friday from 8 AM CT-4 PM CT. Please note the AALAS National Office is closed from December 24-January 4.
- Virtual meeting start date: October 25 with access available until December 31, 2020.
- AALAS commercial partners and vendors will have resources/product info available in virtual booths.
- CEUs are available for many of the educational sessions.
- Tour scientific poster halls to discover the newest research strategies concerning animal welfare, enrichment, husbandry, and laboratory investigations.
CE Activities and Records
AALAS will provide a record form that attendees of the Virtual National Meeting can download from the virtual meeting site and use to track their CE activities from the sessions they attend. This form will allow you to create your own record of attendance - what sessions you viewed, whether presented live or watched as a recording - and will include all essential information about the CE activity. The record form will be appropriate for use with the Technician Registry, CMAR, ACLAM, and your state veterinary boards for veterinary and veterinary technician license renewal.
To help those interested in CE for license renewal, the American Association of Veterinary State Boards was consulted for recommendations on CE from our meeting. Their response was, because each state varies, everyone will want to verify with their own state's veterinary board for any special requirements on CE and record-keeping.
In your CE records file, please remember to keep a copy of your Virtual National Meeting registration confirmation, in case you are chosen for an audit by your state veterinary board. Audits typically request records from one to several years prior.