Below is a list of articles featured in our next issue of Comparative Medicine. This issue will feature a special topic section on avian models. A link to the articles is available on Fast Track found here: Access to the full-text articles is available to members only. Articles will become public 6 months after publication.
Comparative Medicine is published 6 times a year. Dr Linda Toth is the editor in chief and Dr Ravi Tolwani of The Rockefeller University is the associate editor. The types of articles are Case Study, Research Report, Overview, and Letter to the Editor. As of January 1, 2019, we do not accept single-animal case reports for review.
Experimental Infection of Mice with Veronaea botryosa as a Model for Human Phaeohyphomycosis
Rachel D Brownlee, Denise M Imai, Denver J Coleman, Amir Ardeshir, Samah MR Abdelrazek, and Esteban Soto
Effects of Corynebacterium bovis on Engraftment of Patient-derived Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia Cells in NSGS Mice
Alexis R Vedder,Emily L Miedel, Natalie H Ragland, Maria E Balasis, Christopher T Letson, Robert W Engelman, and Eric Padron
Safety Evaluation of a 405-nm LED Device for Direct Antimicrobial Treatment of the Murine Brain
Colleen E Thurman, Anantharaman Muthuswamy, Mark M Klinger, and Gordon S Roble
Transmissible Cancers and Immune Downregulation in Tasmanian Devil (Sacrophilus harrisii) and Canine Populations
Ravinder S Chale, Neda Ghiam, Stephanie A McNamara, and Joaquin J Jimenez
Evaluation of Hybrid Surgical Access Approaches for Pulmonary Valve Implantation in an Acute Swine Model
Ruth Thalmann, Elena M Merkel, Bassil Akra, Rene Bombien, Rainer G Kozlik-Feldmann, and Christoph Schmitz
Cadaveric Porcine Spines as a Model for the Human Epidural Space
Jacob H Cole, Joanna E Fishback, and Scott B Hughey
Carriage of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a Colony of Rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Cynomolgus (Macaca fascicularis) Macaques
Abigail W Greenstein, Susan Boyle-Vavra, Carol W Maddox, Xiwei Tang, Lisa C Halliday, and Jeffrey D FortmanCase Study
Prolonged Anesthetic Recovery after Continuous Infusion of Midazolam in 2 Domestic Cats (Felis catus)
Urshulaa Dholakia, Reza Seddighi, Adesola Odunayo, Sherry K Cox, Elizabeth H Jones, and Bruno H Pypendop