We are happy to announce the results of the 2014 AALAS National Election.
All terms commence October 24, 2014 at the close of the 2014 National Meeting in San Antonio.
Vice President-Elect: Ms. Paige A. Ebert, CMAR, RLATG
District 1 Trustee: Ms. Tracy A. Lewis, CMAR, RLATG
District 2 Trustee: Ms. Pamela A. Straeter, CMAR, RLATG
District 2 Alternate Trustee: Ms. Ann Marie Dinkel, RLATG
District 3 Alternate Trustee: Ms. Christine A. McNickle, LATG
District 4 Alternate Trustee: Ms. Robin M. Kavanaugh, RLATG
District 6 Alternate Trustee: Ms. Tricia L. Rump, CMAR, RALAT
District 7 Trustee: Ms. Karen S. Montijo, CMAR, RLATG